Principală » Comunicare » Raise of MARSEC/ISPS Security level Black Sea and Sea of Azov to Level 3

Raise of MARSEC/ISPS Security level Black Sea and Sea of Azov to Level 3

NO. 18-C from 25th of February 2022

  1. In accordance with the Government decision no. 706/2018 from 11.07.2018 on the creation of the Naval Agency of the Republic of Moldova, according to regulation annex I, point 8 paragraph 6 and point 9 paragraph 6 letter a) and d), the Naval Agency raise the security level to MARSEC/ISPS 3 for Moldova flagged vessels navigating in the region of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.
  2. The Naval Agency strongly encourages all Moldova flagged vessels to avoid transit on Ukrainian and Russian waters in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.
  3. For those Moldova vessels in Ukrainian Ports or transiting the above zone must maintain the utmost vigilance and increased security conditions aboard in order to protect the vessel and crew.
  4. Due to recent events in the waters of the Ukraine in the Black Sea, the Naval Agency recommends all masters and CSOs to carefully monitor the situation and consider necessary measures from the SSP. Masters are further advised to closely monitor deviations and failures of navigation and communication data due to disturbances.
  5. The Naval Agency requires to:
    a) undertake a new ship voyage specific threat risk assessment before entering any region where there has been an incident or the threat has changed. After the risk assessment, review the Ship’s Security Plan;
    b) ensure strict boarding controls in place;
    c) check all fire-fighting equipment available for immediate use, make sure the emergency fire pump is available if any maintenance is being undertaken;
    d) ensure the LRIT system and the Automatic Information System (AIS) works properly at al times.
  6. The Naval Agency strongly encourages the masters of the vessels to perform daily – fire drills on ship, abandon drill and man overboard drills.

click here for official Naval’s Agency >>>>Operational Directive <<<<